
Busting ERV Myths Part 4

 When we bust ERV myths at BPE, Inc., we aren’t just talking theory. We have demonstrated what today’s super-efficient ERVs can do in the real world. After discussing cross-contamination, efficiency myths, and a case study that demonstrates the excellent IAQ benefits of an ERV in a practical application, we move on to our next ERV myth:

MYTH: “ERVs installations are difficult and complicated.”

Busting ERV Myths Part 3

When we bust ERV myths at BPE, Inc., we aren’t just talking theory. We have demonstrated what today’s super-efficient ERVs can do in the real world. After discussing cross-contamination and efficiency myths over the last two weeks, we present a case study that demonstrates the excellent IAQ benefits of an ERV in a practical application:

Busting ERV Myths Part 2

Part of what we do at BPE, Inc. involves busting myths that prevent folks from ruling out the very thing that can improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and comfort, heating and cooling bills, and health. Last week, we tackled the issue of cross contamination in ERVs. This week, let’s dive into efficiency:

Myth Two: “What good is an ERV if the word on the street says they are, on average, only 55% efficient?”

Busting ERV Myths Part 1

It is the plight of professionals in most industries: You introduce your company to potential clients only to discover their perception of your product or concept has already been influenced by myths or outdated information. It’s no different for the sales force at BPE, Inc. when we explain how Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs) are the cost-effective answer for bringing fresh, preconditioned air into buildings and homes so airtight we think of them as Tupperware containers. Therefore, part of what we do involves busting myths that prevent folks from ruling out the very thing that can improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and comfort, heating and cooling bills, and health. Let’s start dismantling some of the myths surrounding ERVs with an oldie but a goodie:

Why Measure Radon?

The following case study was undertaken by Klas Haglid in his 7,000-plus-sq.ft. New Jersey home to determine how much of a risk radon levels play in his family’s life. He wanted to see how far he could lower the levels and therefore cut the risk of radon-induced lung cancer proportionately.

Background: To ensure proper radon control, you need continual monitoring and a proper mitigation strategy. If you think the decent radon levels next door are good enough for you, think again. Your neighbor’s numbers have little to do with the levels in your home, so you can’t use generally low levels in your area to claim you are safe

What you don’t know about radon can kill you.

After radon was recognized as the culprit causing high rates of lung cancer in miners, most folks in the construction, realty, and engineering industries came to realize radon gas-a radioactive substance–is not our friend when it comes to indoor living. Still, the grim stats on radon-induced lung cancer deaths and the public’s poor understanding of the problem recently left our Indoor Air Quality experts at BPE, quite frankly, exasperated.

Onward & Upward

No matter how your day is going, we can all use a bit of good news. Even better, we all want to know that the work we do in the clean energy business is paying off. The 2017 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook can kick your day up a notch on both fronts. Produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance for the Business Council for Sustainable Energy, the Factbook provides up-to-date, accurate market information on strides made in energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy. Here are a few snippets to depict progress in 2016 as well as put a little pep in your step:

PACE the Nation

What is it?: PACE or Property Assessed Clean Energy is an initiative to finance up to 100% of the cost for energy-related improvement projects on commercial, non-profit, and residential properties. Without the dread of upfront, out-of-pocket expenses that can be a deal-breaker for pursuing upgrades, property owners enjoy a payback period of up to 20 years, plus annual energy savings that typically exceed assessment payments. Ultimately, participants reap higher-value buildings with improvements that lower the cost of doing business.

BPE Equipment Selection: Sizing It Up

Fresh Air Fundamentals: Fresh air being key to good health, it’s a shame we cannot rely on the supply and quality of our indoor air these days. Thanks to technology, our building envelopes—the physical separation between the interior and exterior of a structure-have grown significantly tighter. One hundred years ago people enjoyed generous amounts of OA (Outside Air) flowing through gaps in doors, windows, joints, and cracks. A cool draft through an old building was typical and necessary for a good ghost story. However, the cost of energy and technology has changed our perspective on drafts as well as mechanically cooled or heated air.

Navigating the Internet of Things

Home automation is far from a new concept, but it sure has taken its time becoming standard in homes. That’s about to change: In a world where we practically run our lives through mobile devices, the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) is the next trend upon us. It is estimated that by 2022, the average home could house up to 500 smart devices. We’re talking everything from temperature and air quality sensors to lighting systems, coffee makers, televisions, stoves, blinds, etc. Your home will learn how to wake you up, usher you out the door, and welcome you home as programmed by you.

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