Engineering Standards for Forensic Application

Haglid Engineering is pleased to announce CEO Klas Haglid’s chapter contribution to Engineering Standards for Forensic Application, edited by Dr. Richard McLay and Dr. Robert Anderson. Klas Haglid, P.E., R.A., CEM, contributed a chapter case study titled, Carbon...

Energy Efficiency Day 2018

October 5th, 2018 marks the third annual Energy Efficiency Day aimed at growing a network of advocates, companies, government agencies, and utilities for the purpose of spreading the news about the benefits of energy efficient practices. How can you take part on a...

Leave the Past Behind

It’s time to embrace the better lifestyle that energy-efficient WELL buildings provide! At one point in history, people thought leeches were the answer to illness. There was a time when nobody batted an eye over a pregnant woman dangling a cigarette from her lips....

Go Big or Go Home

Depending on the publication or organization you consult, our atmosphere has sucked up enough energy-related emissions to bring us near, at, or past a point of no return where rising sea levels, heightened temperatures, and poor air quality wreak havoc on everything...

Seeing is Believing

When school buildings choose clean energy retrofits, many of the benefits are obvious. Others not so much. Improved Indoor Air Quality does more than provide healthier learning environments: Public schools rely on average daily attendance rates to receive federal...
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