October 5th, 2018 marks the third annual Energy Efficiency Day aimed at growing a network of advocates, companies, government agencies, and utilities for the purpose of spreading the news about the benefits of energy efficient practices. How can you take part on a personal level or with your organization?

Make It Official: Join the Energy Efficiency Day list of participants and discover the people and organizations onboard with you!

Community Action: Get community leaders and government officials onboard. Ask them to sign a proclamation like this one.

Social Sharing. The organizers of Energy Efficiency Day want you to help them get the message across. They’ve made it easy to tweet about the impact of making changes toward more energy-efficient lives. Share this image and tweet or find more on the Energy Efficiency Day website.





Did you know? #EnergyEfficiency could meet 1/3 of expected power needs by 2030. This #EEDay2018 on Oct. 5, let’s work together to cut energy waste. bit.ly/EEDay2018 #EEDay2018

Better still, share images and stories about what you or your organization has done to further the cause. Use the hashtag #EEDay2018 in your social media messages.

Energy-Saving Efforts: Take steps to save energy in your home and workplace. Some efforts involve a little work such as switching out incandescent bulbs with LEDs, sealing cracks in a building envelope, and installing programmable thermostats. Others are simply a matter of making better choices:

  • Use cold water in your washing machine cycles.
  • Skip the drying cycle when running the dishwasher.
  • Use the energy-saving settings on all appliances that have them.
  • Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use.

Energy Efficient HVAC: Upgrade or maintain your HVAC system. The payback in lower energy bills, healthier breathing, and producing fewer emissions cannot be understated. Cleaning or changing filters is important, as is having a professional inspect the system for signs of wear and tear. A poorly maintained system will lose efficiency no matter how great it was when installed. Rethinking your HVAC system? Consider a balanced, super-efficient ERV system with low maintenance requirements and high rates of fresh air and savings.

What’s our Energy Efficiency Day tweet at Haglid EngineeringTM?

Haglid installs ERVs with up to 98% thermal efficiency! #EEDay2018 #HVAC #IAQ https://bpequip.com/products

Feel free to tweet about us!

Want to know more? Ask us about all of Haglid Engineering’s sustainable, energy-efficient best practices!

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