BPE-MIR-XE-200-i (BPE, Inc.)

Ah, the simplicity of the good old days. We could debate how simple and/or good they actually were, but one thing is certain: Home ventilation was cake. Bad air left, fresh air came in—all courtesy of natural ventilation. Occupants utilized windows and doors more often to alleviate temperature issues, and construction was rife with cracks in structural envelopes. In this way, stale air was replaced by fresh air on a regular basis. So, yes; the ventilation was easy. Temperature control and comfort? Not so much.

Once we began relying on heating and air conditioning systems for better indoor comfort, a new problem arose: the expense of running those systems. After all, a home’s loose envelope was no longer attractive if HVAC equipment had to pull double duty to treat all that haphazard air.

So, we built tighter … and tighter. Suddenly, folks got sick from breathing recirculated stale, chemical-laden air. We began to worry over how many cubic feet per minute (cfms) of fresh air were available to occupants. Industry standards have flipped around over the years, but using a generous 20 cfm per person as a rule of thumb ensures healthy breathing conditions, less respiratory and allergy issues, and even better cognition.

But how difficult is it to set up a mechanical ventilation solution to promote better indoor air quality (IAQ)? How much energy does such healthier living take and what does it cost? After all, we tightened up our homes to lower energy bills in the first place.

The simple answer, in many cases, is to get yourself a good energy recovery ventilator (ERV). The even simpler answer, as you peruse the many types and brands on the market, is to choose one with a true counter-flow heat exchanger design that minimizes mixing of fresh and stale air streams to virtually nil—one that boasts an energy efficiency rating of over 60, while most ERVs don’t rate higher than 10. The simpler answer then, is a Building Performance Equipment (BPE, Inc.) ERV. Its patented technology can reach over 95% thermal efficiency, lowering energy bills while delivering superior IAQ. Plus, BPE ERVs control humidity with 34% latent effectiveness during the worst summer conditions, thanks to another of the company’s patents: Regenerative Condensate ReturnTM. This is key for preventing the mold tight envelopes incur thanks to trapped humidity.

Want simpler? BPE has just made it even easier for homeowners and small business owners to improve HVAC and energy bills via a smaller ERV unit with a two- to three-year payback! The new, compact BPE-MIR-XE-200-i comes with:

  • two integral fans (normally, fans are positioned separately outside BPE ERV units)
  • integral speed controllers to adjust and balance airflow as needed
  • high-quality filters; Merv 8 Filter for fresh air, Merv 6 for exhaust air
  • ease of attachment to new or existing ductwork
  • DIY positioning with lightweight, yet durable design—just add ductwork and intake/exhaust vents
  • easily plugs into a 120 VAC outlet
  • thorough installation guide·        
  • IAQ experts ready to answer your questions

BPE-MIR-XE-200-i (BPE, Inc.) comes with high-quality MERV 6 and 8 filters

Whether or not you find the old days simpler, one thing is certain: Providing your family or small-business employees with fresh, healthy air without breaking the bank can be super simple–and at the moment, it can be less expensive, too. The first 200 units of BPE’s BPE-MIR-XE-200-i sold will be available for delivery over the next three months at a discounted rate of $1,195 (down from $1,940 wholesale). Contact us to take advantage of this special deal!

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