

Case Study: Whitehouse School Energy Audit

Front view of Whitehouse school in Readington Township NJ

Client: Whitehouse School in Readington Township, NJ  Challenge: According to the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the K-12 school building sector spends $6 billion dollars a year on energy bills. Second only to teacher salaries, utility bills require more from the average school budget than textbooks and computer equipment combined. Imagine … Read more

Indicators of an Objective Professional Forensic Engineer

Meeting ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards requires attention to guidelines that lead a forensic engineer to impartial and objective analysis. It’s the only way to meet and surpass expectations as an expert witness in a court of law. Some guidelines many forensics engineers follow…. Maintain Independence: Professional forensic engineers are not influenced by … Read more